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Me too have wondered what is the meaning of literal that is shoved between text while the text itself makes sense. String literal they say, and I am...
Pathname expansion expanding a pathname, how do we do that? if we do echo 2 * 3 nuclearegg69@zenbook-f13:~/testRen$ echo 2 * 3 2 a apple b banana c...
Not All, I have tricked you. typeof functions When you do typeof <someFunction>, you get back 'function'. But, you might have heard that functions...
If we go to the root directory or the top level directory in our unix-like machine, we will be faced by some directories, lets take an intro about...
Not Really All What are arrays? Arrays are iterables. Ok, so what is an iterable? Iterables are objects that have Symbol.iterator method. Alright, so...
image preview views images in an html document on vscode's gutter. color highlight highlights css color in vscode live server are you tired of...